18 November 2007

Week 13

Welcome to the Nursery/Preschool Blog!

This past week in our preschool class:
*we started learning shapes - the shape this week was circle.
*we continued to make friendship chains.
*we read stories for letters Ss-Ww in our Alphabet book.
*the story was 'The Two Frogs'.
*we talked about rhyming words.

This past week in our nursery class:
*our color of the week was green.
*we used green paint and sponages to make green frogs
*we made green dinosaurs from the book 'Kipper and the Egg'.

Comments: Because we will be sailing soon, preschool and nursery children have been trying on lifejackets.

02 November 2007

Week 11

Welcome to the Nursery/Preschool Blog!

This past week in our preschool class:
*we began our unit on Friends.
*our number of the week was 10.
*the creative workshop was making a birthday cake wall related to our friends ages.
*we read stories for letters Ii - Mm in our Alphabet book.

This past week in our nursery class:
*our color of the week was yellow.
*we used pastels to colour yellow ducks from the story Brown Bear, Brown Bear by Eric Carle.
*we added a yellow piece to our colour snakes in the passage.
*we took home yellow banana boats on Friday after reading the story 'Floating Bananas' by Richard Scary.

We would like welcome Mayra back from her holidays! Preschool had fun on Friday with messy play (hair styling foam). Madisyn left on Wednesday for her holidays - nursery will miss her.

26 October 2007

Week 10

Welcome to the Nursery/Preschool Blog!

This past week in our preschool class:
*we finished our unit on families.
*our number of the week was 9.
*the creative workshop was making cards for our families.
*we read stories for letters A to H in our Alphabet book.

This past week in our nursery class:
*we began learning about colors.
*our color of the week was red.
*we fingerpainted red birds from the story Brown Bear, Brown Bear by Eric Carle.
*we started making coloring snakes to hang in the passage.

Preschool and Nursery are very excited that Mayra is coming back to the ship on Sunday! Preschool celebrated the end of their unit on Friday by having a pool party on deck 7. On Monday preschool will start a unit on Friends and nursery will be talking about the color yellow.

12 October 2007

Week 8

Welcome to the Nursery/Preschool Blog!

This past week in our preschool class:
*we continued to talk about our families.
*our number of the week was 7.
*our story this week was 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears.'
*the 4 year-olds took home their third pre-decodable book, 'The Picnic'.
*the creative workshop was a teddy bear for dad.

This past week in our nursery class:
*we talked about the people in our familes.
*we used markers to draw pictures of 'brothers' and 'me'.
*we reviewed the stories we have already read about families.
*our free play was with playdough and Mega blocks.

There was no school this Friday because of the ship holiday.

The preschoolers working on learning numbers.

Dancing around with Miss Page.

Nursery girls working on building towers.

Everyone waiting to go home.

05 October 2007

Week 7

Welcome to the Nursery/Preschool Blog!

This past week in our preschool class:

*we talked about our families.
*our number of the week was 6.
*Miss Page hung up our pasta picture frames in the classroom (come check them out!)
*the creative workshop was mommy butterflies.

This past week in our nursery class:
*we talked about the people in our familes.
*we used markers to draw pictures of 'sisters'.
*we painted in the passageway and made beautiful pictures.
*we read the story 'My Love for You'.


The preschoolers are still missing Mayra while she is away on holiday. We celebrated Miss Page's birthday on Monday and Miss Elizabeth's birthday on Friday. This week we were able to play with balls on Deck 7 because the wonderful Deck Department was able to put the netting up. Thank you, thank you!! For those of you not on the ship, this is incredibly important so we are not losing all our toys over the side of the ship :)

Children not in the preschool photo: Mayra
Children not in the nursery photo: Norah

28 September 2007

Week 6

Welcome to the Nursery/Preschool Blog!

This past week in our preschool class:
*we started our new theme on families.
*we reviewed numbers 1-5.
*the 4 year old students started their second pre-decodable book - 'The Family'.
*we learned some words that rhyme.
*the creative workshop was pasta picture frames.

This past week in our nursery class:
*our stories were 'Where's My Mummy?' and 'I Like It When'.
*we talked about the people in our familes.
*we used markers to draw pictures of 'mom' and 'dad'.
*we learned a new song about how mommy love us.

The preschool class is missing Mayra very much and hope she comes back soon from her holidays in Holland.

21 September 2007

Week 5

Welcome to the Nursery/Preschool Blog!

This past week in our preschool class:
*we finished our first theme of 'I am Special'
*the number of the week was 5.
*we reviewed some songs like 'Clap Your Hands', 'Open and Shut Them', and 'Where is Thumbkin?'.
*the 4 year old students started their first pre-decodable books.
*we decided some of our favorite stories in the Big Book are 'Mary had a Little Lamb', 'Three Little Kittens' and 'Over in the Meadow'.
*the creative workshop was messy play with paint.

This past week in our nursery class:
*our new favorite songs are 'Jelly on My Plate' and 'The More We Get Together'.
*we drew pictures with markers, read books together on the carpet and played with playdough.
*we brought the castle out on Friday to play with on Deck 7.


Next week both groups will be started a new theme about families.

14 September 2007

Week 4

Welcome to the Nursery/Preschool Blog!
This past week in our class:
*our unit is 'I Am Special.'

*the number of the week is 4.

*special songs that we learned are 'If You're Happy and You Know It', 'Birthday Cake' and 'Hands on Shoulders.'

*the stories we read were - 'Five Busy Farmers', 'Buttercups and Daises', 'The House on the Hill' and 'I Like Me!'.

*the art project this week was self-portraits.

Comments on the week:
All the children seem to be settling in well and enjoying their time at school.